Friday, May 30, 2014

Creating content and the content-creation cycle

It's not easy creating pertinent and relevant content for a topic with a specific objective in mind. A wrong content can ruin marketing campaigns planned months before, and millions spent. Without content, there's no marketing. Whatever marketing platforms out there, they're nothing without the creation of content that enables the message to be delivered to the intended audience. It's like singing but with only the music, and without the lyrics. It's kind of oxymoronic to call such a song, but imagine an advertisement activity without the marketing communication. You'll ask yourself, what's the point. 

So, the basics of content creation is a cycle of analyzation, creation, publishing, promotion and monitoring. Then there's the middle layer of a cycle of which engagement, discussion, participation and loyalty. Before the core, of which is the 'content' would be the triumvirate of audience, the message and objectives.

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