Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Revenue Department: How the Sales and Marketing Teams should work in order to achieve the set KPIs and ROIs

The Sales Department is supposed to sell, whilst the Marketing Department is to market the brand. It has been tradition for the two departments to lock horns and butt heads; the end result is a wastage of effort. 

Why not combine both into 'The Revenue Department', where the over-arching objective is to generate revenue? If the generation of revenue is owned by the new department, and it is given the empowerment to implement the necessary means to achieve it, then it is only logical for the endeavour to actually work. The department has no choice but to make it work.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Creating content and the content-creation cycle

It's not easy creating pertinent and relevant content for a topic with a specific objective in mind. A wrong content can ruin marketing campaigns planned months before, and millions spent. Without content, there's no marketing. Whatever marketing platforms out there, they're nothing without the creation of content that enables the message to be delivered to the intended audience. It's like singing but with only the music, and without the lyrics. It's kind of oxymoronic to call such a song, but imagine an advertisement activity without the marketing communication. You'll ask yourself, what's the point. 

So, the basics of content creation is a cycle of analyzation, creation, publishing, promotion and monitoring. Then there's the middle layer of a cycle of which engagement, discussion, participation and loyalty. Before the core, of which is the 'content' would be the triumvirate of audience, the message and objectives.

Increasing Twitter and Pinterest followers

As I'm not exactly in Marketing at the moment, I have the opportunity to 'play' around in how to increase my followers in Twitter and Pinterest. There are several advice on how to increase your followers, but in the end of the day, it's just a matter of how much effort you're going to put into it. The most practical advice was to 'tweet' or 'pin' between your spare time, and do it as often as possible. And if you can do so with interesting topics to boot, then more's the better. 

I'm sure there are other more advanced methods for follower-generation, but for now, plain-old tweeting and pinning will do.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm already in Pinterest, but I decided to read the basics about it

Reading the basics about Pinterest opened my eyes to a few possibilities, of which I've saw an example from a friend's. I better organize by Pinterest enough to make it 'career-worthy' in the future. At the moment, it speaks volumes at to how my mind works. I cringe at the thought of who actually sees it. 

Anyways, I like Pinterest, and if I'm going to put any worthwhile effort into something, sometimes it's better if it's something that you like. 

How to link Instagram to my Twitter account

Well, I'd say, after reading the article, it was a 'Duh!' moment. Not the article, but to myself mostly. It was something new alright, but it's so simple that I felt stupid for not even knowing about it. Okay, I'll still include this in this blog, but I'd be more comfortable if I learn something more worthwhile. That'll be for later. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Re-learning The Basics Of Twitter

I told myself to learn something new everyday. I don't know why it was the first thing that came out of my mind, but I felt knowing, or re-learning the basics of Twitter is important. So I read the general principles and mechanics of Twitter, and learnt 2 important points; that a # is somewhat akin to a Twitter community, whilst an @ is more of a reply / mention of a specific broadcaster. They're important basics to remember, especially if I plan to use this professionally in the near future. 

I plan to read some more about Twitter, and how we can integrate it in a Social Media campaign. But that's for another day. I don't want to burn-out from over-enthusiasm on the first day.